Privacy Policy

  1. Personal Data

We use our technology to gather the following information:

Information that is collected automatically: As soon as you visit our websites, we collect and store certain information automatically. This information includes Internet protocol addresses, your browser information, your operating system and platform, including the uniform resource locator (URL). We store this data anonymously.

Information that you provide us with: Personal data you share with us in the course of submitting an order remain completely confidential. This includes, for example, your contact data, including your name and surname, address, your birth date, e-mail address, telephone number.

  • will not pass any debit/credit card details to third parties
  • takes appropriate steps to ensure data privacy and security including through various hardware and software methodologies. However, ( cannot guarantee the security of any information that is disclosed online
  • The is not responsible for the privacy policies of websites to which it links. If you provide any information to such third parties different rules regarding the collection and use of your personal information may apply. You should contact these entities directly if you have any questions about their use of the information that they collect.
  1. Using Your Data to Process Your Order

We use the personal information that you provide us with as part of the order process, to deliver the goods, to arrange payment and to send you information about your order. We require the following data to do this: contact information including title, first name, last name, street address, postal code, city, country, email address and phone number.

For the purpose of payment processing the necessary data is stored both on our server and on the servers of the companies we have authorized to handle payment processing.

  1. Using Your Data for Advertising Purposes

Newsletter and product offers by e-mail

If you register for the newsletter, you will receive regular product recommendations/updates from us that we will send to your specified email address). We use your information in this regard for promotional purposes, and to provide you with information about our range of products. These offers might be based on your past orders.

Advertising in the context of existing customer relationship

We may use personal data you have shared with us in the process of purchasing a product or service to inform you about similar products and services from our product range and to request your feedback after the sale of a product or service, both by using electronic communication.

Right to object

If you do not wish to receive further advertisement from us, you can object to such use at any time, by clicking on the unsubscribe link included in each advertisement message, or by sending us a message (See contact details in contact page).

  1. Passing Your Personal Data on to Third Parties

We will not pass on your personal data to anyone not included in this data privacy statement. The only exception to this would be to serve legal obligations.

  1. Cookies

This section contains information about our usage of cookies as well as user’s consent as to the usage of tracking and third-party cookies.

What are cookies?

At various points on our website, we use “cookies.” Cookies are small text files that the web browser stores on your hard drive. Cookies collect and store certain information which can be accessed by web servers.

Cookies and personal data

In general, no personal data is stored in the cookies that the The Fan Jacket uses. That way, none of the cookies can be attributed directly to you or anyone else without your prior consent. An identification number is assigned to a cookie when it is activated. So the cookie technology only supplies us with information of a user with a certain Cookie-ID (pseudonym). A combination of a Cookie-ID and personal data of the user (e.g. name, email address etc.) and thus a direct attribution of the information collected by or stored in the cookie to a certain user only takes place if the user has given his unambiguous prior consent. For example, in order to facilitate secure online access so that you do not have to retype your user ID and password each time you visit the site, your user ID and password can be saved in cookies to make logging in to our website easier and faster.

Types and purposes of cookies used

Necessary Cookies

We use cookies which are necessary to make navigating and visiting web sites user friendly. They enable our systems, for example, to set the right language or to save your basket between visits.

Tracking and third-party cookies

We also use tracking cookies to analyze visitor preferences (e.g. data regarding which pages a customer visited in our online store, which products were viewed, etc.), which enables us to tailor our website and improve our offer for you. For more details which of our statistic and marketing tools use such tracking cookies and what kind of data is tracked and stored with these cookies see below under sec. 6 ff. of this Privacy Policy.

With the usage of our website you consent to our usage of these tracking and third-party cookies. If you don’t want that, please ensure that (these) cookies are disabled in your browser settings. You can also at any time withdraw your consent for the future by deleting existing cookies and setting up your browser preferences appropriate to prevent that new (kinds of) cookies are set. More information about how cookies can be prevented and deleted can be found in the section (“Prevention and deletion of cookies”) below.

Prevention and deletion of cookies

You can prevent cookies from being stored on your hard drive by setting up the necessary settings in your browser. You can also delete cookies already stored on your computer at any time. For details on how to do this, please refer to your browser’s manual or your browser manufacturer’s help function. There you will learn:

– how your browser can notify you when you receive a new cookie;
– how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, or
– how to disable cookies to keep them from being obtained and stored in general and
how to delete cookies.

And of course, you can delete cookies already stored on your computer at any time.

You can also turn off or delete similar functions, such as flash cookies, which browser add-ons use, by changing the browser add-on settings or via the website of the browser add-on manufacturer (e.g. the Adobe Flash Player site).

Of course, you can also view our website without cookies. However, this can lead to function restrictions on our site (for example, regarding using the shopping cart).

  1. Web Analysis

To continuously improve and optimize our service, we use Google Analytics and  statistically evaluate our websites.

We use Google Analytics services to collect statistical data on the use of our website. We use this data to improve the The Fan Jacket Online Shop, and to improve and optimize our offers on an ongoing basis, which makes visiting our website more exciting for you.

When visiting this site, your browser provides information that is collected and analyzed. This is done using cookie technology and pixels that are included on each site. The following data are collected: request (file name of the requested file), browser type/version, browser language, operating system, internal resolution of the browser, screen resolution, java script enabled, Java on/off cookies on/off, color depth, referring URL, IP address (will only be collected anonymously and deleted immediately after use), time of access, clicks, order values, shopping carts and form content that is rendered anonymous (for example, whether a phone number has been specified or not).

None of this data can ever be directly attributed to you. The data collected is used to create anonymous or pseudonymized user profiles, which are the basis for web stats. The data that Google Analytics collect is not used to identify visitors to this website at any time, nor is it merged together with any personal data related to the bearer of the profile, unless the user gives its unambiguous prior consent.

Google Analytics data collection and storage can be revoked at any time and will remain that way for the future. Please go to the following links:
Google Analytics:

Consent (“Opt-in”) for merging pseudonymized usage profiles in DMP with personal data from the CEP

Herewith I agree that the usage data collected on our website with the help of cookies from the Mapp system as well as data from already existing (pseudonymized) usage profiles from this system (for more information see sec. 5 (“Cookies”) and 6 (“Web Analysis”) of our privacy policy) is merged with my user data, additional information regarding surf behavior on The Fan Jacket sites and is used for advertising purposes such as behavioral targeting, specific marketing in the fields of jackets, leather products and clothing merchandise. I acknowledge that I have the right to withdraw my consent at any time by opting out of our newsletter or sending an email to . Such a withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of data processing based on the consent before the withdrawal.

  1. Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyze how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. ?In case of activation of the IP anonymization, Google will anonymize the last octet of the IP address for Member States of the European Union as well as for other parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases, the full IP address is sent to and shortened by Google servers in the USA. On behalf of The Fan Jacket Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage to the website provider. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google.

You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser. However, please note that if you do this, you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. Furthermore you can prevent Google’s collection and use of data (cookies and IP address) by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available under

Further information concerning data privacy can be found at

Disable Google Analytics

  1. Social Media Like/Share button

Our sites receive social plug-ins from Add This (

When you access a website from our website that contains this type of plug-in, your browser establishes a direct connection with the Add This and sends this data to them. This is true regardless of whether you are a member of any social site or not, whether you are logged in while visiting our site as a member , or if you click the plug-in.

The more can be read about this plugin on their privacy page

  1. Other Subprocessor

Subprocessors engaged in the processing of personal data on behalf of The Fan Jacket:

– DHL (

– Fedex (

– Paypal:

– SmartsUpp ( Support/Chat system

  1. Protecting Your Data

We secure our website and other systems against loss, destruction, unauthorized access, modification or distribution of your data by unauthorized persons by implementing the appropriate technical and organizational measures. Furthermore, your personal data is transmitted to us in encrypted format. This applies to your order and when you log in as a customer. We use the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) coding system.

  1. Right to Information and Right to Object

There is a right to information about your personal data that we store and the right to rectification, blocking and deleting your stored personal data.

You have the right to object to the use or processing of your data at any time. You have the right to revoke any consent you have previously granted us regarding the use of your personal data.

If you wish to avail yourself of your right to information and/or the right to object to the use of your personal data, or any other questions about privacy, please send us an e-mail at:

This Privacy Policy and our Terms of Service are revised and updated regularly. Updates to this Privacy Policy are released on our website. Amendments apply as soon as they are published on our website. We therefore recommend that you check this page regularly to see whether there are any updates you need to be aware of.